Part 2

A lot has changed ! Quarantine Days

Aniket Wattamwar
3 min readJul 5, 2020

If you have read my earlier post on How I am spending my Quarantine Days you will see that I had schedule to follow. I was able to follow that till 20 May (half way through May you could say). The things that I wanted to do/learn were almost complete by then. So I decided to take a break of 1 week. I binged watched Stranger Things and completed The Office TV Show.

Now I had to decide what to do next. So I decided NOT to learn something new but work on something that I already know. I completely changed my schedule. So participated in a couple of ML Hackathons and was working on that only.

I think around the same time some of my classmates and me decided to make the YEARBOOK for our batch since farewell was not an option. That took around 8–10 days of work. I had the most amazing time working on the Yearbook.

With an old friend, started a YouTube Channel named HackerShrine ( Like | Share | Subscribe :D). A senior friend referred me to his senior friend for a very cool project that I am working on right now. Also participated in the Facebook Hateful Meme Challenge(very difficult) with other friends. I also got some design work which I am currently working on. I am also learning Django. Started learning Voiceflow for creating Amazon Alexa Skill also.

Though there are many things going on simultaneously, I love to work. It keeps me busy. And the lockdown in Pune has extended another month, so I have another month to do anything that I want. This freedom of doing anything makes me happy.

To talk about my schedule, lol it is not what it was a month and a half back. I sleep late sometimes, wake up late too(around 10 am). When there are alot of things on my plate then I cant divide my day and assign hours to complete it. So some days I am working on one thing only. Last week I was not able to make any design, did not even open adobe Illustrator. But its okay. Its been a month now that I have not a read a book (this is not okay)

To be completely honest, my Quarantine Days has been very productive. I wanted a break from college(never thought college would be so unproductive) and I got that. I think we are never going to get so much of free time later. Its been over 3 months and it made me realize that alot can be done in 3 months than 2 semesters in college.

In the next two months, my aim is to wake up early everyday so I get more time to do stuff, exercise daily, resume design videos on youtube (pending since 1.5 months), write articles on the projects that I have made.

Lets see what happens !




Aniket Wattamwar
Aniket Wattamwar

Written by Aniket Wattamwar

Machine Learning | AWS | Designer

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